Friday, April 26, 2013

Okay THIS makes me feel better about yesterday.

Apparently this is an out take, but I think it should have been the official photograph. (Oops, correction, it is photoshopped, Oh well I love it anyway.)

By the  way, just in case you forgot, here is a list of 50 reasons that you despised the Bush presidency.


  1. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Are you sure it's an out take? It looks like photo shop to me. Just curious...

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      It is, unless Obama has one arm long enough to drag his knuckles on the ground as he walks!

  2. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Definitely photoshopped - President Obama's right arm and hand are placed on President Bush's back.

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Definitely. It's an obvious Photoshop. Plus, President Obama would never be that disrespectful to a former president. Not even in jest, not even to Bush.

  3. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Another great article by Matt Taibbi:

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    oh my gosh! you made me laugh! what fun! thanks!

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Lol, what's with 41's pink socks?!

    1. hedgewytch8:16 AM

      Yeah, he's really rocking that look.

  6. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Bush 2 with his lazy ass should not be sitting down. Besides, he is the only one what should not be there in the first place. He never won either election. He was illegitimate.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      I didn't think about it before, but that is the perfect visual for his presidency, sitting on his ass while others ran the country and the government into the ground for him.

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      GWB rocking those socks..bwahahahahaa

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Bush 41 is sitting in a wheel chair.

  7. Anonymous6:24 AM

    A point of interest here is the height of Carter. Did you know that height is a great accurate predictor of who will win the presidency? Most presidents are v tall but Carter looks to be about my height 5'9 or so. I can't recall who his opponent was - Ford? And then he was defeated by the taller Reagan..

    1. President Carter is in his 80's and may have lost a couple of inches in height since his younger days.

  8. Olivia6:26 AM

    It should have been an L for LOSER instead of bunny ears. Either way, I expect to see a torrent of right wing indignation over the lack of respect President Obama has for that freaking asshole, even though it is obviously photoshopped.

  9. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Shoulda been devil horns.

  10. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Bush’s legacy keeps getting worse

    In retrospect, George W. Bush’s legacy doesn’t look as bad as it did when he left office. It looks worse.

  11. Anonymous7:10 AM

    "Bush and Cheney not only lied about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, they also deceived, covered-up, corrupted or intimidated the mass media, bullied an abdicatory Congress, and delivered a false address to the United Nations."

  12. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I love how geeky elder Bush matched his socks to his tie. ROFLMAO

  13. Anonymous7:32 AM

    If you haven't read 500 Days by Kurt Eichenwald, it is worth your time. The ugliness and deceit of the Bush WH, run by Cheney, is stunning.

  14. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Well, the palinbots have finally shown us why they love palin -- it's about her shoes -- as outlined in this bizarre, creepy foot-fetish post:

    Maybe their next post will be about palin's "rack".

    I guess "hot shoes" is the female GOP equivalent of "good hair" on their male candidates.

    Then again, when you have a politician like palin to support, it's probably best to stick with subjects like lipstick and shoes.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Those aren't the shoes of a governor, a vice president or a president. Those are stripper shoes. Oh, yeah, I forgot. Just the thing for Sarah to be wearing in Las Vegas this weekend.

  15. Randall8:11 AM

    At the GW Bush Library I looked and looked for the section concerning WMD's in Iraq
    -- but I couldn't find it.

  16. Anonymous8:34 AM

    GWB kept us safe after 9/11 (if you don't count the anthrax letters). They don't count the first 8 months of his presidency. He was always on vacation and cutting brush.

  17. SHARON10:06 AM

    The Daily Show did an excellent job as usual, portraying the truth about 8 years of Bush. This library is truly a monument to the biggest failure in democracy this country has ever known. The article on Alternet listing the 50 reasons to hate Bush hit the highlights...if you read further in the comment sections you will remember the list is so much longer.
    I have said many, many times....the most depressing memory is how he stole the election, how different our country would be if only Gore was allowed to serve. Karl Rove is on the same level as Bin Laden, they just killed thousands in different ways.

  18. Anonymous11:06 AM

    The American taxpayers paid at least some of the $500 MILLION for this monument to idiocy to be built. Shameful.

  19. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Definitely a Photoshop job. Obama's arm would have to be very long and triple jointed (since you can see the elbow on his right arm -- and his arm continues to descend from there) to give Bush bunny ears.

  20. Anita Winecooler5:44 PM

    It's photoshopped. President Obama would never use two fingers, when one would suffice. Would have been funnier if Shrub's chair was electric.

  21. No way our President would be that disrespectful. Not even to Georgie Porgie.

    I can't believe George the First thinks he can make a gray shirt fashionable by wearing matching red socks and a red tie. I'll bet Clinton isn't wearing red socks.

    It is a phenomenal picture. Five presidents. If Carter's and H.W.'s health remains strong, we could see a photo of six after Obama's term is up.


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