Sunday, November 27, 2011

"I'll Occupy" Recruitment Song: The 99 is Pissed and We Will Not Be Dismissed!

Here are some of the lyrics courtesy of Freaked out Nation:

We’ll protest on, with catchy phases 
We’re going global 
From London to Uc Davis 
If you think that your batons are going to get us to go home 
GO on and hit me, 
I’ll just upload it from my phone.

The song is pretty ingenious, though a little tongue in cheek.

However it may come in very handy to help inspire the Occupy LA protesters who are scheduled to be evicted tomorrow, which might result in a whole new group of citizens finding themselves on the receiving end of a blast of pepper spray or a police baton.

The movement is over two months old now and despite the frigid temperatures seems to be gaining in both strength and influence.

P.S. By the way I don't believe this song is the official anthem of the OWS protestors, but it IS catchy!


  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    It's good but probably will need a newer melody to catch on. I mean, "I WILL SURVIVE" is not even 21st century. Go OWS!

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I think this will be one of many that will crop up. I'm hoping for something along the line of a CSN&Y (Ohio redux) re-do.

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    It'll never reach "anthem" status, but the lyrics are pretty good.

    Go OWS! Stand Your Ground!

    The world is watching.

  4. Anonymous11:26 PM

    You'd think a decent leader of a country would specifically address OWS, violence from the protesters and police alike, and bluntly say "we are better than that."

    Why has no President done this?

    Shill. Fraud. Dumbshit.

    Obama, and most of the worlds current and past leaders, built his career on being a political brute. He knew he had nothing of value to add to the equation so he had his thugs, famous, to personally destroy opponents. (This is well cited and proven. Its just ignored and shoved under the rug because obama is everyones savior)

    Wake up america! Obama is NOT on your side. Never has been. People who downplay who they are aren't selfless. And that's what he's done. His entire background is rooted in deep radicalism, something he desperately tries to mask. Why?

    To change things, first get his people out of DC, then hire a congress and president who doesn't shill for big money.

  5. Anonymous11:30 PM

    What do the minority of protesters think of all the sincerely successful people in the world who HAVEN'T lost faith in themselves, who are continuing to opening up their businesses and planning for their bright futures?

    Complainers are pathetic human beings. This country is fabulous! Things are what they are. Humans are deeply flawed by nature but everyone has the ability to be happy. Choose happiness, not a perpetual sour expression that I see remnances of on the hateful parts of the internet.

    People sorely lacking in accomplishment will always hate successful people. Its time to stop, examine our life's direction and start doing what makes us happy. I do. Do you? You can have anything.

  6. Anonymous2:29 AM

    A musician named Makana was invited to entertain the world leaders at APEC in Honolulu. And he did -with a song called We Are The Many. Great lyrics! You'll find it on And he wasn't beaten or peppersprayed. Thank goodness.

  7. Anonymous9:47 AM

    11:30pm you sound crazy and make no sense. get help soon.

  8. Anonymous10:59 AM

    11:26 & 11:30 - Every time you post, you help this blog represent all points of view. He he.

  9. Check out this video about OWS (it blew me away):

  10. What do you think of this one.


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