Saturday, November 26, 2011

Beyonce releases questionable video "proving" she is pregnant.

 The following video was JUST posted that purports to have been filmed on September 23 of this year.

Check out how bizarre Beyonce is acting, and what method she chooses to "prove" that she is indeed pregnant, and as far along as she claims.

 Here is what Media Takeout had to say about this video:

Beyonce just released a NEW VIDEO, which was filmed two months ago. According to Beyonce, she is now 8 MONTHS pregnant (She claimed that she was 6 months in the video, which was filmed in September). 

We have a lot to say about this. First off, who starts off a video saying, "Today is September 23rd" unless it's not September 23rd. If you have the paper with you why wouldn't you say something like "This is today's paper". Second, if this video was filmed TWO MONTHS ago, why are we just seeing it now? 

But more importantly, if she is 8 months regnant, wouldn't her due date be JANUARY (Cause she'll be 9 months in December). That seems DD .. . since she told an Australian journalist a few months back that her due date was in FEBRUARY. 

Inconsistent belly size, fluctuating due dates, is anybody else getting an overwhelming a sense of deja vu?

I am finding myself more and more intrigued by this story, mostly because of how it parallels Palin's pregnancy hoax. Only THIS time people are on the ball and starting to call her out.

It keeps reminding me of what COULD have been if the Alaska press had paid more attention to the few rumors swirling around at that time saying she wasn't pregnant.

Just imagine ALL that would have been changed by a more courageous, and less self serving, local press.

By the way, for comparison here is Sarah Palin supposedly a little over six months "pregnant."

I would say that Beyonce is putting substantially more effort into her fake pregnancy than Palin bothered to do, and yet people are STILL not buying it. I wonder if Palin's hoax has made some people hyper aware of the possibility that things are not always as they seem?

And once again Beyonce, just like Sarah Palin before her, could put all of this to rest simply by showing her uncovered tummy as well. After all clearly she is aware of the controversy.


  1. Anonymous2:14 AM

    That was just weird...

  2. dominicastar2:42 AM

    Dominicastar here, your last post of beyonce so called 'fake breast' did you not see the other photos with Beyonce breast looks normal; many photos taken on that day? Check these babies out scroll down and inspect the pictures.

    Here's her belly in a see through top

    Clearly she is pregnant, people who wants to have a story going about her not being pregnant - just as they were mean about suri cruz being an alien.

    Clearly there is a difference between Beyonce pregnancy and Palin's.

    Palin's was fake, beyonce uses camera trickery to appear not pregnant in video's. Also on the Jimmy program, that song was performed months before it was actually aired. Where as Palin in real time photos was clearly not pregnant when she should be!

    By trying to say Beyonce is not pregnant to get someone to take notice of Palin's fake pregnancy is defeating the cause, because people will think, oh, they are saying Palin is not pregnant just like they said for Beyonce - turns out Beyonce clearly was pregnant!

    Infact, it would be better to say, look Beyonce is pregnant, however the person who claims to be pregnant when they weren't is Sarah Palin!

  3. Anonymous3:08 AM


  4. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Okay, that was about as weird as writing a Thanksgiving letter about a son you haven't been seen in public with in over a year. What's wrong with these women?

  5. Anonymous3:39 AM

    With as much cleavage as Beyonce likes to show (her girls are fighting to see which one pops out first,) I'm surprised that she isn't posing nude or semi nude in her pregnant state.

  6. Virginia Voter4:02 AM

    If you're pregnant than you shoulda lifted up your shirt,
    If you're pregnant than you shoulda lifted up your shirt,
    Uh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...

    Sung to Bey's "Single Ladies"

  7. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Aint buying it.

  8. Anonymous4:51 AM

    I bet Mrs. Palin wishes Beyonce would STFU.

  9. "Palin faked it.Why can't Beyonce?"

    Every Beyonce story should have this comment. Beyonce is a valuable key to Babygate awareness.

  10. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Sadly, in this country where people are willing to trample or pepper spray each other to get a frickin X-Box on Black Friday, the fact that Beyonce might be faking a pregnancy is more important than if someone who RAN FOR VICE PRESIDENT did the same. Ugh.

  11. Thanks for the Babygate post, Gryphen. I miss them.

  12. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Beyonce looks too thin in her face and legs to be truly pregnant. Those pictures of her belly under that blue caftan could easily be showing a pregnancy prosthesis.

    The film from that interview in Australia, was it, kinda sealed it for me. Her belly buckled!

    Since Sarah Palin's time just a few years ago, the fake bellies have probably gotten more and more realistic looking. And Beyonce would obviously have access to the most sophisticated possibilities, given her connection to Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

  13. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Saw her and her husband on the beach a few months back. She was wearing a bikini and was clearly pregnant.

  14. justforpostin6:51 AM

    Beyonce is pregnant and did bare her belly.

    Bums me out that people are focusing on her real pregnancy and not on Sarah's fake one.

  15. Anonymous6:59 AM

    OK intelligent folks. Beyonce IS pregnant, I have seen her in person.
    I know you like having fun. But let it go.

    Beyond IS with child.

  16. I know everybody is preoccupied with Palin's "pregnancy", but I'm not sure why anyone cares about Beyonce's nor why she would bother to fake one. Is she planning to run for office?

  17. Anonymous7:02 AM

    something is very fishy, and the laugh and repeatedly saying "oh baby, oh baby" is just crazy...

  18. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I thought Beyonce showed her bare pregnant belly in a bikini.

  19. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Well, it's possible that for whatever reason Beyonce couldn't, or didn't want to, carry a baby herself. Instead of openly stating that she is using a surrogate, she may be carrying out a ruse. She will not be the first entertainer to have done so. Babies are almost status symbols these days among celebrities, and perhaps pregnancies as well... Like it's a sign of "success" as a woman, or something weird like that.

    The reason it matters is simply that people don't like to think they are being lied to. It's just human nature. Beyonce can obviously do whatever she wants, but she has a massive fan base and it's just kind of strange if she felt she couldn't be honest, as Sarah Jessica Parker was, for example.

    Our interest in this is natural, as well, given Sarah Palin's performance on this very same issue.

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I don't want to trivialize Palin's hoax with any comparison to whatever is going on with Beyonce, but watching that video sure was weird.

    Is there any context available for that clip? I mean, there MUST be, and I guess I missed it.

    BTW, some point to her bikini pics as proof, but they are certainly not conclusive to me. If I were planning to fake a pregnancy, I would be sure to take advantage of the permission to PORK UP, and I could grow a gut like that too!

    Whatever; Beyonce is not on any Palin-level of concern and I'm kinda embarrassed to be wondering. But yes, the video is really really weird.

  21. Anonymous10:39 AM

    People who ask why is this beyonce story important? The reason is because she is a pop culture icon! If you do not know already... what happens in pop culture is a reflection of what happens in every day culture, kids look up to these people, hello!!

    There are other parallels with beyonce/palin too, like the whole Cathy White story (the alledged mistress of jay-z). The girl unfortunately died shortly after it was found out Cathy was going to tell all about her afair with j.

  22. HOLY MOLY Gryphen! You've been invaded by the Bey STANS'...they are WORSE than the Palinbots'! These STANS' will defend Beyonce with their last breath!

    DO NOT LOOK THESE STANS' IN THE EYE FOLKS....they are just as crazy as the bots'..... You have been warned!

  23. My 2cents....Beyonce is very much aware of the talk of her pregnancy...that's why she did this's all about money with this broad. She's been programmed as a child to perform...I feel sorry for her...she is a BUSINESS!

    Her sister Solange is a better talent than her...she's on Twitter and she released a great albumn with a song I still play today..."I Decided"'s the video....

  24. In the "blue" B photo, she's wearing bikini bottoms, but then her belly gets very dark; AND it is "crumply" in both pictures - NOT the tight belly bump she's trying to sport in this video.

    And the picture of B in the White Bikini? That is supposed to be a woman between 5 and six months pregnant? Um, no, I don't think so.

    Do they make "pregnant" belly chains? Surprised she didn't paint a bulls-eye on her belly.

  25. Anonymous2:06 PM

    O baby? O baby?

    Yep, that was weird.

    It's time for "the Wild Ride" to manifest itself.

  26. There are many who question Bey & I'm one of the 'haters' so to speak... All the questioning must be getting to her-so we now have this weird video to add to her pile.

    Mrs. Carter, I think is pulling a fast one. Her belly & breast gets bigger, fatter, & skinny, depending on the day. She might be preggo, but why go thru the process of making yourself appear bigger / larger?

    Thanks G, I didn't know about the MOT site. Lots of 'celebrity' stuff. I don't usually read those sites, but its rather entertaining.

    Here in this picture, ppl say she has Linea nigra (Latin for "black line") the dark vertical line that appears on the abdomen during some pregnancies.

    NOTE: that's no line! It's crooked, that's the jewery she wearing. The part hanging down over her stomach, connects the chain around her neck to the chain around her waist. Lots of celebrities are wearing these. In fact photos taken the same day, but before this photo, it can be seen.


    This shows her in the 'blue sheer dress' again with current picts of Bey, and guess what.... Her past stomach is bigger than it is in the current photo.

  28. Anonymous4:14 PM

    umm, let me try my best bey bot imitation-

    Ahem (clears throat)
    The Beyocnes'es are a close knit, shiney, happy, loving family. They smile and laugh all day long, and even in their sleep! This I know is true, how can you judge other people without even knowing them? They go to church together and use the same pedicure place!

    "I know Beyonce personally, I've seen her at the beach, and we both shared a public toilet while forcing ourselves to throw up after eating one tic tac too many(lemon lime flavor- I still have the box to proove it!"

    So there, Gryphen,is your proof, she IS TOO pregnant! I saw it with my own two eyes! Even in the clip, you can clearly see the bump moving as she rolls her hand around it. Besides, We're close bff's, running partners, and go to the same Starbucks! She "liked" me on Facebook, also too!

    You haterz are just jealous and using that "new math" to confuse people!

    Stop it

    Stop it NOW!

    How'd I do?

    Seriously, she needs help. She's what, fifteen years younger than Palin, and had the forethought to do a you tube video? Don't know who's sicker, Bey or Sarah. It's just beyond bizarre!

  29. Anonymous5:48 PM

    She is involved in politics, I mean she did sing to the prez hehe

  30. Anonymous3:58 PM

    What bothers me is that she doesn't "caress" her baby bump, but rubs it - rather harshly. I remember being so protective, and lightly caressing the bump - constantly.

  31. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I've been occasionally reading this blog for a while and this is my first contribution. First off, I don't care for Beyonce. At all.

    But you are losing me here, and this makes me reconsider the whole 'palin pregnancy hoax' in a different light. Not that I did not find the crowd here a little bit too obsessive about trivial things - and borderline neurotic in a couple of instances, but this... How can you possibly keep a straight face when you promote this story ?

    It reminds me of those people that try to prove that man did not land on the moon by obsessing over this or that contrast on the sky behind the astronauts. It's grotesque.

    And even if the 'fake pregnancy' story had legs - who gives a damn, she's a pop singer. What's next, an inquiry on George Clooney's botox injections ?


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