Monday, March 22, 2010

Geoffrey Dunn points out Palin's latest health care lie.

She is STILL lying? Yeah I was just stunned.  Stunned I tell you!

Apparently yesterday during the Health Care vote Sister Sarah's thumbs were twitching across her Blackberry like a Wasilla resident on Meth, and the tweets started flying fast and furious.

Geoffrey Dunn could not help but notice that her tweets were both maniacal and unfettered by a little thing we like to call "facts".

Palin -- whose duplicitous allegation of "death panels" helped establish the rancorous tone of the national discussion about health-care reform -- has consistently shown her capacity for deceit throughout the debate. The truth never seems to get in the way of her ugly and relentless political opportunism.

Her latest Twitter posting wallowed in the same shameful duplicity of her "death panel" hyperbole -- which earned her the dubious award of Lie of the Year from Apparently, Palin is working on a two-peat in 2010.

To read the rest of Geoffrey's revelations about Palin's continued duplicity just click here.


  1. This has nothing to do with the posted story. I've been curious for a while as to the blog site itself. Question: Why does The Immoral Minority have anti health-care reform ads on its site? Example: "Wisconsin can opt-out of ObamaCare! Sign the Petition. Paid for by Mark Neumann for Governor, Matt Neumann, Treasurer"
    Just curious.

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    It is about time MSM calls her out about her own death panels while she was gov. of Alaska. There has to be a way for this information to hit the airwaves every time she lies about death panels.

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Lying is bad of course, but lying to scare the troops she "loves" so much? What a nasty low life politican.

  4. Palin is a pathological liar. Get some help Miss Quitty!

  5. To Cheryl @ 6:29am -- You must be from Wisconsin? I am getting the same sort of ads, only from Utah --they are pushing a senator from Utah - Bob Bennett *UGH* and they are coming from none other than 'Mittens' Romney. (another *UGH*)

    In fact every few times I forward a page, these awful pictures of the 2 of them, and still pushing the endorsements keep showing up --just awful.

    Not sure where these ads are coming from, but they are certainly no fault of this IM blog and/or Gryphen.

    Have a happy day!!

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    "Sister Sarah's thumbs were twitching across her Blackberry like a Wasilla resident on Meth, and the tweets started flying fast and furious"

    Trying to obliquely tell us something Gryphen? Something I've wondered about for a while now....

  7. mommom8:18 AM

    I think the ads are not controlled by the site,but by your browsing history.If you spend time reading about healthcare,you get ads related to the keyword healthcare

  8. mommom8:20 AM

    Have you seen this video?Mrs Paylin looks like she has not showered in a week.O'Reilly loses patience with her.

  9. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I guess his book won't be a love letter then!!

  10. But is Geoffrey Dunn willing to expose Sarah's most abhorrent lie? Will he verify the expert opinions on baby Ruffles and publicly ask questions about the two (or more) Trigs?

  11. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Once again, Palin shows that her arrogance is exceeded only by her ignorance. She must think everyone is as stupid as her Kool-Aid drinking followers not to understand by now that anything and everything she says is always checked for its veracity. That's a direct result of being a chronic liar, especially to politicize an issue. I am happy that prominent veterans are pushing back against her, and if she does run in 2012, her opponents have a treasure trove of damaging information on her. I firmly believe a resounding defeat might be the only thing to forcibly impress on her that most of the American public does NOT want her. I don't care if it's at the hands of a Republican primary opponent or the Democrat in the general election.


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