Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday Science Sermon.

For today's science sermon I would like to talk about "life". In particular life on this planet. In other words "us".

It seems that there is growing evidence that life on this planet, "us", did not originate here. In other words the building blocks for life arrived from space and landed in an environment that allowed them to evolve and mingle to create life. ALL life. Even us.

Here just read this: The Murchison meteorite, which fell on Australia in 1969, has been found to contain purines and pyrimidines, which are crucial to a large number of biological molecules like DNA, RNA, and ATP (adenosine triphosophate, a chemical our cells use for fuel).......So the Murchison meteorite has native chemicals in it that are the basis for life. Obviously, since they were found at all, that means they survived entry into our atmosphere and impact. This in turn means that in the distant past, when the Earth was bombarded by such rocks, these chemicals were scattered across the planet, where they could be incorporated into ever more complex molecules, which eventually became life. And, well, us.

Well, cool. And even, wow! It’s been hypothesized for years, decades, that the basis of organic chemistry may have fallen to Earth from space. And now we know that it’s true.

Wow, is right! Okay so the scientists are being kind of cautious, as scientists often are, and not absolutely stating as fact that the building blocks of life did not originate on earth. But what they ARE saying is still pretty damn explosive.

What they are saying is that the idea of life being exclusively attributable to earth is more then likely a false assumption. In other words it is very unlikely that we are indeed alone.

Whether or not this means that there is intelligent life on other planets, or even life similar to what we have here, there is simply no way of knowing. But isn't it fun to imagine the possibilities?

Now boys and girls THIS is why science is important and why school curriculum's that try to do away with biology and evolution classes are engaging in a form of state sponsored child abuse.

If our government stops trying to make our children stupid just imagine what we may learn next. Fight state sponsored child abuse by electing a Democrat.

Oh wait I almost forgot.....Amen.

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