Monday, June 30, 2008

Olbermann is going to make a Special Comment about Obama and the FISA bill.

As soon as I can get the video I will post it here.

Here it is:

Olbermann's Special Comments focuses on telling Obama how to approach this FISA conundrum and come out with his "change candidate cred' still intact.

My only problem with this, and I know that Keith did not want to go into details on the particulars of his ideas, is that if Obama follows Keith's advice to the letter, he may look all "tough on the Bush immunity deal" but come out looking like Olbermann's butt boy.

My advice? Vote against the FISA bill, and then when it passes and you become President prosecute the hell out of the Telecoms and the administration that told them to spy on all of us.

1 comment:

  1. The only reason Keith did this SC is, he had his ass handed to him by Greenwald for essentially fellating Obama on Telecom Immunity when as a journalist, and more importantly, as the anointed voice of the progressive left, he should been kneecapping Obama for kicking us in the teeth.

    Arguably his weakest SC yet, IMHO.


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