Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Obama's popularity has Republicans attempting to use his coattails to get elected. WTF?

Republicans usually demonize Barack Obama in their political advertising, but GOP Sen. Gordon Smith aligns himself with the Democratic presidential candidate in a new ad, citing legislation they worked on to improve fuel efficiency standards.

Observers in both parties said it appeared to be the first time in this election cycle that a GOP Senate candidate had aligned with Obama.

The ad, responding to an independent Democratic ad linking Smith to high gas prices, credits Obama with saying that "Gordon Smith led the fight for better gas mileage and a cleaner environment."

Democrats say Obama said nothing of the kind.

Well this is new.

I am going to have to imagine that Senator Smith is going to have some "splaining to do" when he gets together with his Republican pals.

I have heard that the Republicans are getting pretty desperate but I had no idea that it was getting this bad for them. Now that is the kind of news that puts a smile on my face.

1 comment:

  1. give SMith credit for wanting to stay in office -- running as a republican in most of the US is like running as a National Socialist in Israel.

    and i mean that comparatively


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